58. I love the story of the 14th Century Emperor Tamerlane (descendant of Ghangis Kahn) was badly defeated in battle. Joseph was favored by God. With personal testimonies and scriptural examples, Danette Crawford equips readers to climb out of their personal pits—whether emotional, mental, spiritual financial, or other—and live in victory. CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. The Lord taught me that everything I have comes from Him. Don't Quit in the Pit By Danette Crawford Guest Writer. This is true for all of us—single moms, single dads, married couples, businesspeople, and those in ministry alike. “Don’t quit now,” God’s not through with you yet. Bible Lesson – Get Up and Keep Going! We try to live our lives according to God’s word, but many times we find ourselves in trouble. I. I’m sick of it. We know the psalm comes at a desperate moment when his enemies seemed to be closing in … Can God change your life? * When God says He will bless and prosper you, don’t let the pit stop you. The timing of this word from the Lord is significant, the twenty-first day of the seventh month. He is eager to forgive us and His Name is Holy! The truth always outweighs the facts. Every voice said, "Joel, you can't get up and minister, you're going to look like a fool. Don’t Quit in the Pit gives readers the weapons to overcome many of today’s challenges. #1349 – I love the feel of dirt between my fingers too. CBN.com – Excerpt from the book Don’t Quit in the Pit by Danette Crawford. This Way Out Genesis 41:37-43 - Robert Earl Houston, Sr. Send a prayer request now, or call 1‑800‑700‑7000. We are here to help and encourage you! Ga 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Job 14:1, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. 1. Don't let their discouragement talk you out of it. Anger and resentment began to mount in my heart. Don’t Quit in the Pit has been used in rehab facilities, study groups, business leagues, and correctional facilities alike to motivate individuals to move beyond their pain and step into their purpose. Discouraged and defeated, they decide to remain where they are instead of determining to escape their pit and climb the next peak. Danette inspires you to climb to the peak of freedom. We don’t talk about them but we have moments, where we feel I feel take me away. Oh, I love this, Jacque. They don’t need God. It may be a spiritual pit and you just don’t feel spiritual high like you used to, and you’re dry and discouraged. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. Why won’t God lift me out? Joseph had a destiny given by God. As he lay hidden in a barn, enemy troops scoured the countryside looking for him. Whenever I find a pile of bills in my post office box, I simply look up and say, “God, You’ve got mail!” Then, I take God’s bills home and put them in the folder labeled “Due.” I don’t open that folder again until money is put in my hand. Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Copyright 2021 Sermon Sharing Service. The turning point seemed to have been when their god of gold was touched—their god of income and prosperity. Is there anything that would make you give up on your goal of reaching the Kingdom of God? If I am trusting in people to meet my emotional needs, the day will probably come when they let me down, and I lose my source of hope. What we put our trust in will determine how much time we spend in the pit. I say to you, place your hope in the Lord because God is with you and promise you that the Lord will reach down into that pit and pull you out. I. Following a port call to Seychelles, Ponce will be at sea again, powered by its old but trusty boilers. “If you don’t quit when you fail, you will ultimately succeed in life.” - TB Joshua Are you struggling with discouragement or depression? I have known Danette for over twenty years and have seen this woman of God climb out of many deep pits, as described in her book. Don't Quit Now (20 of 27) Series: A Confident Church in a Changing World Larry Wynn Acts 18:1-10 INTRODUCTION A. 1. I’ve discovered that a pit can come in different shapes and sizes. Many writers connect it to the time when Saul chased David in the wilderness (1 Samuel 23:13-14), but we can’t be sure. The Bible provides a map to guide us out of any and every pit that we find ourselves in. Or you’re about to go into confusing times and you just don’t know it yet. It may be a pit of depression. I was adopted once, but I snapped. Guest Pastor, Shaun Nepstad teaches how we can keep moving, instead of quitting in the dip. The dog days of summer are coming and with them the desire to take a little break, but will you take a vacation from God? In layman’s terms, “Timothy, don’t quit!” So, pastor, I write today to urge you, don’t quit. One day, while staring at my file cabinet and considering all of the bills bulging out of the folder marked “Due,” I began to get angry. Joseph had a destiny given by God. I have known Danette for over twenty years and have seen this woman of God climb out of many deep pits, as described in her book. Don’t get me wrong—we need to trust people, but we don’t need to trust in people. Discover God's peace now. Paul’s pit was in the form of a ship tossed in a raging storm. When we are in the midst of financial hardship, we have to be careful not to get angry and upset with those around us whom we think should be helping us. At that time, I say, “Okay, God, which of Your bills do You want me to pay for You?”. John 21:1-2 MSG. ill. You see, if we can ever get hold of the fact that Jesus is in control of every area of our lives, that He is God, and that He possesses all power, then we can come to that place where we can trust Him fully through all the storms of life. If we don’t value this way of life, how can we commit to it? For Joseph, that pit looked like a dark dead end, but it was truly a pathway to the palace—a direct route, at that. This is for you. When you’re in the pit, wait intently on the Lord. Danette inspires you to climb to the peak of freedom. But I’m coming out of that pit! God has a way of getting right to the point with a word of truth. I’d think, If I can’t pay my bills this month, I’m going to get a secular job. Joseph was anointed by God. He also taught me to ask Him what He wanted me to do with every dollar that came into my hand. The nation had just finished the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.This was a time to remember how God brought Israel out of the bondage of Egypt; this was like a week long celebration of Independence Day with all the fireworks. J) Listen, when God places a dream in your heart, don’t let the pit stop you! This hand-written list of complaints became a platform for prayer instead of a pit of discouragement. It may be a pit of marriage problems that looks so deep and so dark and impossible that you feel like giving up. Cling to the promise of Galations 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV) FREE DOWNLOAD. I pray you’ll be blessed by your year in the Sermon on the Mount! This is about the pit's we all fall into in life's journey. Guest When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit - Rest if you must, but don't you quit. The nation had just finished the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.This was a time to remember how God brought Israel out of the bondage of Egypt; this was like a week long celebration of Independence Day with all the fireworks. Cling to the promise of Galations 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV) FREE DOWNLOAD. Down in that 100 degree world, where few dare to tread, the pit snipes will still be working their magic, because they don’t quit in "The Pit". Needless to say, I never went to work at Wal-Mart. 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 All of us need to know that… ), In the New Testament, we read about the apostle Paul, a respected Jewish leader who became a Christian, won souls for Jesus, and consequently found himself in his own pit. John 8:32 says, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The truth on its own doesn’t set you free; it’s the truth that you know that sets you free. And when we place our hope in the truth, as Abraham did, our faith can change the facts! I thought, My dad could write one check and pay every bill I have. But don’t give up. So, I always study a map before I leave to go somewhere. Colossians 3:24, “Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Don't ever quit on God because people fail you. A. Against all hope in the natural realm, Abraham clung to the rope of hope by believing the Word of God. Maybe you are in a financial pit, an emotional pit, a health pit, a relational pit, or even a spiritual pit today. Joseph’s time in the pit helped him to see the awfulness of sin. This statement literally reads, "You stop fearing and don't you ever fear again." Turn to somebody next to you and tell them: I’M COMING OUT OF MY PIT. You will be tempted to quit. Using television and the Internet, CBN is proclaiming the Good News in 149 countries and territories, with programs and content in 67 languages. It may be a pit of sickness. Take a look at this, it’ll bless your life. I love the story of the 14th Century Emperor Tamerlane (descendant of Ghangis Kahn) was badly defeated in battle. I’m the favorite pound puppy. We should always look to the Lord for our provision and not rely on the “arm of the flesh.” (See, for example, 2 Chronicles 32:8.). When you are in a storm you have to learn to sing storm songs; and some of the songs I love to hear while going through my storm… “I'm so glad troubles don't last always!" Click the button below to add the I'm Coming Out of the Pit - Genesis 37:20-28 - Robert L. Malone to your wish list. #1349 – I love the feel of dirt between my fingers too. By David J. Stewart | March 2013. 3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. Embarrassed. Then you must make the quality decision that quitting is no longer an option, and that failure is unacceptable. Sundays 9:30 / 10:30 / 6:00 • Wednesdays 7:00. Turn to somebody next to you and tell them: I’M COMING OUT OF MY PIT. You will be right there before you said if you make one step, you will make to Lord God baby for the 567. In other words, we all will experience “pits” in our lives—they’re inevitable—but we can escape when we grab hold of the rope of hope and determine to climb out. Arriving at my planned destination is as easy as reading the map, but I have to read it—I can’t automatically absorb knowledge of the route. But I’m coming out of the pit! © 2021 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded” (2 Chronicles 15:7). Jacksonville Church of Christ. Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit. Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Was there a point in your life, maybe… Don’t Quit in the Pit gives readers the weapons to overcome many of today’s challenges. Don’t quit now. Yes, God was with Joseph that sounds like a winning combination, judging from that criteria it would look like Joseph had it made, it would seem as though he was living the life of riley. 2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. by Eddie Lawrence. Everyone has had the experience in life when really we just felt like giving up or quitting. We have to read the Word of truth—the Bible, which is our map! This is the recent preaching outline I used for a sermon called "Don't Quit." Who do you know right now that you would like to tell them not to quit? Don’t give up when that familiar sin, still crouching at your door after all these years, pounces again with temptation. In the Old Testament, we read about a guy named Joseph who found himself in his own pit—literally! Excerpt from the book Don’t Quit in the Pit by Danette Crawford. At that time this great revival turned inward and … Get more than a Sunday sermon. Don't die in the pit: Don't quit dreaming Don't quit believing Don't quit trusting Don't quit expecting Do keep Praising, Your night of horror is coming to an END! But I’m coming out of the pit! Difficulties within your own spirit. DON'T STAY DISCOURAGED. Feel like cannot go on under the pressure. It’s always too soon to quit! Don’t Give Up. DON'T QUIT in the Pit - Power to turn any situation around! I have known Danette for over twenty years and have seen this woman of God climb out of many deep pits, as described in her book. It is said to have a 1,000 year life-cycle. 7Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. And I feel just quitting, but don’t give up or quit; because the pits in our lives are only temporary - short term - brief inconvenience, preparing us for a permanent change! Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. I was willing to obey, but what about all my financial responsibilities? ” Amen Amen What a mighty God we serve! It may be a pit addiction. Sundays 9:30 / 10:30 / 6:00 • Wednesdays 7:00. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners. Maybe the something is that I spent God’s money on something I wanted or thought I needed instead of paying one of His bills or giving to His church. I'M COMING OUT - Luke 15:15-19 Wheeler L. Jones, Just a Closer Walk With Thee Genesis 5:24 - Robert L. Malone, Dealing with Pit Experiences - Genesis 37:18-28 - Perkins, I'm Coming Out of the Pit - Genesis 37:20-28 - Robert L. Malone. This is for you. But I’m coming out of that pit! But when we read the story of Joseph there are some things that cannot be denied, because the scripture makes it crystal clear that: Joseph mother name was Rachel. Don't Quit Galatians 6:9 . No, rather “take courage! No … Lord I’ve got more problems than I know how to handle, in fact I’ve got more problem that I could calculate on a calculator. Joseph learned a big lesson in his life and it all started with a pit. It is true, people will not always endure sound teaching, but don’t quit. And I definitely wouldn’t miss it, because I own it all.”. Oh, I love this, Jacque. So many beautiful and rich truths there. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Before I start comparing humans to animals, please bear with me. "Pass me not O gentle Savior!" The timing of this word from the Lord is significant, the twenty-first day of the seventh month. Don't Quit in the Pit gives readers the weapons to overcome many of today's challenges. DON’T QUIT WHEN YOU ARE IN THE PIT March 23, 2010 Lummer Steve 2 Comments. If you don’t need it today, you’ll need it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We can say, “God, You’ve got mail!”. Text: Psalms 40:2-3. May be the problems and pressures of daily life. Your life—and your ultimate destiny—depend on your determining to trust God and get out. People can help us but they can’t heal us. Not only did I have the responsibilities of caring for an infant 24-7; I was also shouldering the financial responsibilities of our household alone. Every dollar, every food item, every piece of clothing—everything comes from Him. Don’t be the kind of person who starts off on the path to victory and then when things get tough, you quit and have to start all over again. Get back up. What is “the pit”? We fall into a pit and find that not only are we deep in a pit but the pit if miry clay. don’t have all the details, we just know that it was violent and that society had suddenly turned. He didn’t deny the facts; he faced them. If I don’t study the map beforehand or refer to it during my trip, I’m almost guaranteed to get lost. Adding to our inner turmoil is the reality that sometimes good things happen to bad people. This is the recent preaching outline I used for a sermon called "Don't Quit." No matter what you are facing in your finances, family, job, business, or health, you can overcome if you don’t quit in the pit. Don't die in the pit: Don't quit dreaming Don't quit believing Don't quit trusting Don't quit expecting Do keep Praising, Your night of horror is coming to an END! But I’m your heavenly Father, and I can write one check and pay every bill you have. God Will Take Care of You - 1 Kings 20:26-28 - Houston, Repurposed (Eulogy) - John 11:25-26 - Houston, Wisdom and Spiritual Maturity - Colossians 1:9-11 - Bacon, My Prognosis is Better Than My Prognosis 2019 - Joel 3:10 - Houston, Just The Two of Us Genesis 2:20-24- Robert L. Malone. On any given day, we find ourselves on a peak, in a pit, or somewhere in between. We’d love to remain on the peaks of life—those times of extreme joy and gladness. * When God promises you His favor and grace, don’t let the pit stop you. But I’m coming out of that pit! But don’t give up. All prices are in USD. As we learn to ask God what He wants us to do with every provision He puts in our hands, we can be free from stress and worry. No matter what you are facing in your finances, family, job, business, or health, you can overcome if you don’t quit in the pit.
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