Tiye (c. 1398 BC – 1338 BC, also spelled Taia, Tiy and Tiyi) was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu (also spelled Thuyu). La tête berlinoise de Tiyi @inproceedings{Wildung1992DeLD, title={De la divinit{\'e} d'une reine. She was the mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun. Relieve de la reina Tiyi. No previous queen ever figured so prominently in her husband's lifetime. Several researchers argued that the Elder Lady was Queen Tiye. CC BY-SA 3.0 [28], Aidan Dodson, "Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemhab and the Egyptian Counter-reformation" (Cairo: AUC Press, 2010), pp.27-29, Joyce Tyldesley, Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen, Penguin UK, 2005, Hawass, Zahi et al. Corpus ID: 192560676. Era parte de la pared de la tumba de Userhat. As the American Egyptologists David O'Connor and Eric Cline note: The unprecedented thing about Tiyi. He often had to consider claims for Egypt's gold and requests for his royal daughters in marriage from foreign kings such as Tushratta of Mitanni and Kadashman-Enlil I of Babylon. Evidence shows the two northern pillars of the incomplete pillared hall were removed to accommodate a sarcophagus plinth[18] and pieces of her smashed sarcophagus were found in and around the burial chamber. Shabti figures belonging to her were found in this tomb. [5] Ay, a successor of Tutankhamun as pharaoh after the latter's death, is believed to be yet another brother of Tiye, despite no clear date or monument confirming a link between the two. French. He is believed to be connected to the royal family; he was likely a brother of Queen Tiye (wife of Amenhotep III), the father … No pages on the English Wikipedia use this file (pages on other projects are not listed). Part of a wall of the Userhat 's tumb in Thebes. GUINEA 500 Francs 10e anniversaire de l’indépendance - Reine Tiyi 1970 fwo_497620 World coins Stereo vision has been used extensively for this purpose. It was constructed during the Ptolemaic dynasty, 180–47 BC. Tiye (c. 1398 BC – 1338 BC, also spelled Tye, Taia, Tiy and Tiyi) was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu. The three were found lying naked side-by-side and unidentified. [23], In 1898, three sets of mummified remains were found in a side chamber of the tomb of Amenhotep II in KV35 by Victor Loret. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Buste_de_la_reine_Tiyi.jpg. Nouvel Empire, vers 1355 av. En su mano sujeta una flor de loto. La Reine Tiyi était la grande épouse royale d'Aménophis III / Amenhotep III (1287-1350 av. Nov 29, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Isa Isis. [27], In April 2021 her mummy was moved from the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities to National Museum of Egyptian Civilization along with those of 3 other queens and 18 kings in an event termed the Pharaohs' Golden Parade. The presence of pieces of one of her gilded burial shrines in KV55 indicate she was likely interred there for a time. [14], Amenhotep III died in Year 38 or Year 39 of his reign (1353 BC/1350 BC) and was buried in the Valley of the Kings in WV22; however, Tiye is known to have outlived him by as many as twelve years. This information is corroborated by the fact that the shrine which Akhenaten created for her—which was later found transported from Amarna to tomb KV55 in Thebes—bore the later form of the Aten's name which was only used after Akhenaten's Year 9. View Fragment de sculpture égyptienne, bouche de la Reine Tiyi lépouse dAménophis III, 1970 by Manuel Litran on artnet. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents. Egyptologists presume this connection from Ay's origins (also from Akhmin), because he is known to have built a chapel dedicated to the local god Min there, and because he inherited most of the titles that Tiye's father, Yuya, held at the court of Amenhotep III during his lifetime.[3][6]. [11] On the colossal statue now in the Egyptian Museum she is of equal height with her husband. Under Amenhotep III, Egypt reached the height of its power. Vind hoogwaardige nieuwsfoto's in een hoge resolutie op Getty Images The temple at Sedeinga was the pendant to Amenhotep III's own, larger temple at Soleb, fifteen kilometres to the south (an arrangement followed a century later by Ramses II at Abu Simbel, where there are likewise two temples, the larger southern temple dedicated to the king, and the smaller, northern temple dedicated to the queen, Nefertiry, as Hathor). She is known to have had a house at Akhetaten (Amarna), Akhenaten's new capital and is shown on the walls of the tomb of Huya – a "steward in the house of the king's mother, the great royal wife Tiyi" – depicted at a dinner table with Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their family and then being escorted by the king to her sunshade. The couple had at least seven, and possibly more, children: Her husband devoted a number of shrines to her and constructed a temple dedicated to her in Sedeinga in Nubia where she was worshipped as a form of the goddess Hathor-Tefnut. Tiyi, Queen of Egypt Tiyi, 1398-1338 av. Select from premium Reine Pokou of the highest quality. [19] Analysis of the badly damaged decoration on the left wall beyond the plinth also indicates that Tiye was buried there. Her son’s correspondence with Tushratta, the king of Mitanni, speaks highly of the political influence she wielded at court. J.-C. à Akhmîm. Tiyi, princesse d'Égypte by Magda Tadros ( Book ) La reine Tiy : roman pharaonique by Marcelle Abagi ( Book ) Teje : die den Herrn beider Länder mit ihrer Schönheit erfreut : eine ikonographische Studie by Christian Bayer ( Book ) The mummy of the older woman, who would later be identified as Tiye, was referred to by Egyptologists as the 'Elder Lady' while the other woman was 'The Younger Lady'. Carved from yew wood, the portrait head of Tiyi with its … Her mummy was identified as "The Elder Lady" found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35) in 2010. your own Pins on Pinterest Tiye was married to Amenhotep III by the second year of his reign. She continued to play an active role in foreign relations and was the first Egyptian queen to have her name recorded on official acts. Estatua masiva "bellamente tallada" de la reina 'Tiyi - Tiye' Se cree que es la abuela del rey Tutankamon. Discover (and save!) J.-C.) Tiyi était de souche égyptienne et fille de hauts notables mais n'était pas issue d'une lignée royale. . She became the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III. She was the mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun. [10] He also had an artificial lake built for her in his Year 12. Tiyi Ière Nefertari, Reine d'EGYPTE, D'Egypte Family Tree owner : Alain FOULLON ( foullon ) Contact [2] Tiye's mother, Tjuyu, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested (Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min...),[3] which suggests that she was a member of the royal family. Tiyi Ière Nefertari, Reine d'EGYPTE, D'Egypte, daughter of Joseph ,Yuya ou Youia DE MÉSOPOTAMIE, de NUBIE (Patriarche des 2 tribus de Joseph,Ancetre de l'Apotre Mathias), Prophète de MIN (EGYPTE) D'Israel and Touya Touia D' EGYPTE , D'Egypte, married to Amenophis III (Amenhotep III ) Nebmarê, Pharaon de la 18è dynastie d'EGYPTE, 09è Souverain , D'Egypte. AMENOPHIS III La reine Tiyi (musée du Louvre). Sa mère est Touya (ou Tyouyou ou Thouya), qui fut chanteuse d'Hathor, chanteuse d'Amon, chef des musiciens chargés du divertissement d'Amon et Min et supérieure du harem de Min. The figure wears a queenly sash but cannot be Nefertiti as Nefertiti is shown with the mourners. J.-C., reine d'Égypte Teje, královna, choť Amenhotepa III., egyptského faraóna VIAF ID: 127422567 ( Personal ) Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/127422567 Reconstitution en hommage à Abla Pokou, la reine des Baoulés, à Sakassou, Côte d'Ivoire. English. The Temple of Kom Ombo is an unusual double temple in the town of Ko... m Ombo in Aswan Governorate, Upper Egypt. [12], Tiye wielded a great deal of power during both her husband’s and son’s reigns. 5-20, ill. Jean-Michel Bruffaerts , Les coulisses d'un voyage royal. Original file ‎(525 × 641 pixels, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 (525 × 641 pixels, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: Commons is a freely licensed media file repository. In a depiction that closely resembles the mourning of Meketaten in chamber γ, a figure stands beneath a floral canopy while the royal family grieves. The inscription on a portion of such a shrine found in KV55 indicates that Akhenaten had the shrines made for his mother. The royal lineage was carried by the women of Ancient Egypt and marriage to one would have been a path to the throne for their progeny. "Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamun's Family", http://euler.slu.edu/~bart/egyptianhtml/kings%20and%20Queens/amenhotepiii.htm, "EA 26 - A Letter from Tushratta to Tiye", "Griffith Institute: Carter Archives - 320e", "22 Ancient Pharaohs Have Been Carried Across Cairo in an Epic 'Golden Parade, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tiye&oldid=1016108481, Queens consort of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 April 2021, at 12:40. [21], Following the move of the capital back to Thebes, Tiye, along with others buried in the royal tomb, were transferred to the Valley of the Kings. Tiyi regularly appeared besides Amenhotep III in statuary, tomb and temple reliefs, and stelae while her name is paired with his on numerous small objects, such as vessels and jewelry, not to mention the large commemorative scarabs, where her name regularly follows his in the dateline. Free and open company data on France company LA REINE TIYI (company number 500365085), MME PENDA ESTHER 31 RUE DANIEL FERY, VILLEJUIF, VAL-DE-MARNE, 94800 Amenhotep III became a fine sportsman, a lover of outdoor life, and a great statesman. Tiyi () ou Ti ou Tiy ou Tey ou Tiye (¦jj) est une reine d'Égypte de la . De la divinité d'une reine. Suggestions of a co-regency between Amenhotep III and his son Akhenaten lasting for up to twelve years continue, but most scholars today either accept a brief co-regency lasting no more than one year [17] or no co-regency at all. Tiye continued to be mentioned in the Amarna letters and in inscriptions as queen and beloved of the king. Being wise, intelligent, strong, and fierce, she was able to gain the respect of foreign dignitaries. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 [15] In an inscription approximately dated to November 21 of Year 12 of Akhenaten's reign (1338 BC), both she and her granddaughter Meketaten are mentioned for the last time. He had been born of a secondary wife of his father and needed a stronger tie to the royal lineage. New elements in her portraiture, such as the addition of cows' horns and sun disks—attributes of the goddess Hathor—to her headdress, and her representation in the form of a sphinx—an image formerly reserved for the king—emphasize her role as the king's divine, as well as earthly partner. Tiyi, reine d'Égypte VIAF ID: 106327379 (Personal) Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/106327379 [20] Tiye's sarcophagus was likely contained within multiple nested shrines, like those of her grandson Tutankhamun. She became the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III.
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