63130228). Water-based PEDOT:PSS inks are mainly used in slot die coating, flexography, rotogravure and inkjet printing. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765.t003. In previous work [6], we showed several types of bias in media coverage of ongoing news stories on crises in the world. (2). It was designed by the Libertarian Advocates for Self Government [10], created by Marshall Fritz in 1985. “#prolife”—“#prochoice”) as seeds to find an expanded set of labels to represent each side. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765, Editor: Dante R. Chialvo, Twitter, an online social network that enables users to send and read short messages called “tweets”, is a prime example of a web platform that allows this, and Chile ranks among the top-10 countries regarding the average number of Twitter users per 1000 individuals [26]. Choose the one that corresponds to the ­drawing. The figure also shows that there is a clear preference in the Chilean media for the left-liberal end of the spectrum. We selected the topic of abortion, as it is one of the most polarizing issues in our dataset. This work was supported in part by a doctoral scholarship from Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) to the first author (No. For this, we created a seed query for each question, containing a set of preselected keywords (see Table 1). We selected two random documents for each news outlets to create a training set containing 409 tweets. here. In [8], the authors propose an unsupervised model based on how news outlets quoted president Barack Obama’s speeches. The conductivity of PEDOT:PSS can also be significantly improved by a post-treatment with various compounds, such as ethylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), salts, zwitterions, cosolvents, acids, alcohols, phenol, geminal diols and amphiphilic fluoro-compounds. sssssssss-oooooooo). A drastic shift in economic issues may invoke fear of losing your job or livelihood. Apparently these outlets focus their tweets in negative reports of the opposition. hashtags (#) and mentions (@)) that help to give semantic to the text. 1. adnradiochile, 2. biobio, 3. cooperativa, 4. latercera, 5. mercuriovalpo, 6. publimetrochile, 7. emol, 8. soyarauco, 9 soyconcepcion, 10. soycoronel, 11. soyquillota, 12. soysanantonio, 13. soytalcahuano, 14 soytome, 15. dfinanciero, 16. el_ciudadano, 17. elmostrador, 18. tele13_radio, 19. el_dinamo, 20. nacioncl, 21. pinguinodiario, 22. soychillan, 23. soycopiapo, 24. soyvaldiviacl, 25. soyvalparaiso, 26. t13. the collected tweets), we repeated the scoring steps 20 times. In this section we investigate if our PolQuiz methodology is able to give evidence on the influence of the political ruling class over the mass media behavior. However, there is a growing body of evidence of bias in the media caused by underlying political and socio-economic viewpoints. This may also help in cases where labels may change over time as the result of new arguments for either side. With this in mind, Fig 1 shows the absolute positions of 269 news outlets that published at least one tweet related to the issues of at least one of the questions of the PolQuiz. To understand the results, a few preliminaries about the Chilean context is in order. Although genetic engineering is a common and essential practice in biotechnology, its specific use in crops is controversial. The accounts vary dramatically in tweet publication behavior, with some having published more than a hundred thousand tweets to others with less than a hundred in this timeframe. In order to find out the stability of the observed bias with respect to changes in the obtained evidence (i.e. We're not feeling mean enough to make you guess how to say it, so we'll just come right out and tell you: it's pronounced like it's spelled "pone." One interesting result is that bias in the news is found to be correlated to political inclinations of readers, showing a tendency in these news outlets to maximize profit by “catering” to a certain audience. We scored the remaining documents’ polarity according to the PolQuiz scoring system and we found the average for each question/news-outlet pair. Validation, Headlines of online news articles have shown to be slightly more reliable than full text for adequately providing a high-level overview of the news events [31–33]. 0. Furthermore, we showed that our model is able to discover the relative political context that regulates the perceived bias of the media. Se trata de un individuo que se pone en la piel de un personaje, es decir, que juega a representar la vida de otro sujeto. This difference in size is also reflected in the number of documents related to the issues in the PolQuiz that we are able to retrieve for each news entity. Disclaimer: These translations and definitions have been done to the best of my knowledge, and without prejudice or malice. We manually classified this training set in four groups: Agree, Maybe, Disagree and Out of topic (Not relevant). [6][7][8][9][10] This makes it also suitable as a transparent electrode, for example in touchscreens, organic light-emitting diodes,[11] flexible organic solar cells[12][13] and electronic paper to replace the traditionally used indium tin oxide (ITO). Speakers tend to shorten the most common words, or change their pronunciation to make them easier, and quicker, to pronounce. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. To express in words: Say what's on your mind. Our methodology is able to find the outlet’s position even with just a few tweets. Yes Further, we show that the nature of the bias can be explained and shown by the entities and sentiment related to the news outlet. This is expected and validates the model. Writing – review & editing, * E-mail: eelejalde@udec.cl (EE); lferres@udd.cl (LF), Affiliation For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click As many others, we use Twitter as our source documents to study news [3, 28, 29]. The chart shows the relative shift in points from the conservative to the liberal government. We collected the tweets in the analogous period of the previous administration. Whether on a job interview or in a lab meeting, how you look and act can matter as much as your ideas. Now each outlet is positioned relative to the others. Having a more accurate method to measure and characterize media bias will help readers position outlets in the socio-economic landscape, even when a (sometimes opposite) self-declared position is stated. It looks impossible to pronounce: pwn. No, Is the Subject Area "Economics" applicable to this article? For our analysis we apply the political quiz to the same set of news outlets, but using a different time frame. In [4] the authors go deeper and try to identify different kinds of bias, what they term gatekeeping, coverage and statement bias, according to the stage at which the news acquire the alleged bias. Pepsi vs. Coca Cola, Hertz vs. Avis or McDonalds vs. BurgerKing). BeachHead 2002. <<< Torna al menù dei migliori testi di William Shakespeare. Yes To investigate more on this, we run a sentiment analysis on the most used bigrams. where rD(w) and rB(w) are the ranks of word w in the domain and background corpus respectively. The vast amount of content published in social media enables us to quantify the inclination of the press to pre-defined sides of the socio-political spectrum. TPP will open doors for more than 1.600 Chilean products not included in existing agreements). The top-20 list was presented as the words used with a relatively high frequency by one outlet. Notice that there is a tendency towards the left with the arrival of the left-wing government. This event was the ascription of Chile to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) signed by the country on Feb 3th, 2016. Finally, we tested how the entire system adapts to the local environment. We removed hash-tags that contain the name of a news outlet, as it is common practice in newspapers accounts to use hash-tags to refer to themselves or the original source of the news (regardless of the subject). Results show that there is a perceivable difference in the language used by the outlets in both sides of the spectrum. No, Is the Subject Area "Democracy" applicable to this article? 3. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section. the authors train classifiers that achieve a performance similar to that of human annotators. Dark dots represent the 26ers subset. Some works do not try to identify bias directly, but instead try to identify and track events in order to present different points of view of the same affair to the readers in order to counteract these possible bias [13]. After the classification stage, we scored each news outlet on each question. A shift < 0 (blue bars) means more to the left left. b. Fig 2 shows the relative position of the 26ers as black dots. The distribution of each training set is shown in Table 2. The case of El Mercurio is quite clear, and being a very old, traditional newspaper, the bias is actually known and arguably accepted. For determining the sentiment of words and bi-grams we use the Spanish lexicon from [53]. To calculate τ(bigram) we use a formula equivalent to that shown in Eq 2. The instrument we use here, “The World’s Smallest Political Quiz” (PolQuiz), follows this tradition. For this we normalized the scores using the results from both periods combined. This bi-gram is classified as positive by the sentiment analyzer, so it will add to the score. Formal analysis, In this section, we first show how the PolQuiz helps to measure the bias in the media. Although we carefully select the dataset to use in our experiments to achieve extensible results [22], we notice here that in our dataset, news outlets (which may be considered the participants of our studies), regularly talk about these controversial topics, and thus, it is possible to use traditional methods to find a political stand. The PolQuiz showed the existence of bias in Chilean media. As we mentioned earlier, we think that the overall behavior of the media, both in terms of their original/absolute position and the relative balance, is determined, at least in part, by the current government political alignment. Our methodology does not make too many assumptions about the underlying system. A user could answer the survey more than once, but the random selection was always made from the remaining lists. Results show that the media have a measurable bias, and illustrate this by showing the favoritism of Chilean media for the ruling political parties in the country. Despite the alleged bias, we have shown that the quiz can differentiate outlets with opposite points of view in both dimensions and also that the automatic classification is in accordance with the widespread perception of the tendency displayed by the main outlets. Alhamdulillah, we are able to teach the … For the survey described in Section Survey, we collected 372 answers from 54 unique Chilean users on how they perceive the bias on the topic of abortion in the different Chilean newspapers. This behavior makes it a biased source of information, but a good point of reference to validate our model. In the rightmost of the group, we have mercuriovalpo (Tags in Fig 1 are the corresponding Twitter accounts (e.g., https://twitter.com/mercuriovalpo)) that represents El Mercurio de Valparaíso, one of the oldest newspapers in Chile currently in circulation. Since the bi-gram is assigned a negative sentiment and the rank-difference is also negative, the bi-gram will also add to the score of the outlet, pushing it to the liberal side. For example, AGFA coats 200 million photographic films per year[citation needed] with a thin, extensively-stretched layer of virtually transparent and colorless PEDOT:PSS as an antistatic agent to prevent electrostatic discharges during production and normal film use, independent of humidity conditions, and as electrolyte in polymer electrolytic capacitors. We explore more in how a change in government may influence the media position in Section The influence of government orientation on the media landscape. We used the Stanford’s NE recognizer system [50] to extract the entities mentioned in the tweets related to the abortion issue. 4. The other one is controlled by a subsidiary of the Spanish group PRISA. Diamonds represent the scores with q0. Si algo pone a esta comedia en un lugar tan alto, es la interpretación de Jack Nicholson como el psicótico terapeuta que busca ayudar al personaje de Adam Sandler con sus problemas de ira. With the subset of documents returned by the seed queries, we then analyzed the hash-tags to find an expanded set of labels that may represent related aspects of the same issues [24]. “project approved”—referring to the bill). As the number of tweets is too large to label manually, we created and trained a supervised model for each question. In general, the ruling coalition is “Nueva Mayoría”, which mainly consists of center-left to left-wing parties. The training set consisted of 1916 documents (an average of about 190 documents per question). Twitter offers an open API to automatically access the flow of tweets and query the system for user profiles, followers and tweeting history. To be fair, it is true that “bias” in journalism may arise naturally out of the interaction of reporters, rather than a prior, but this discussion is left for another paper. For our part, we tried to minimize the bias in the methodology by making a conscious collective selection of the initial keywords for each query, but there is always room for interpretation of the questions. According to our scores, all these top-scored outlets have comparably more mentions of entities with a liberal leaning than the rest of the outlets. This phenomenon has important socio-politic implications (such as the possibility of artificial displacement of the center for political purposes), but we leave to social scientist further considerations on these matters. *Original Content, if reproduce, please indicate the … Previous studies have tried to classify the partiality of the media, but there is little work on quantifying it, and less still on the nature of this partiality. Black dots identify those outlets for which there are answers for at least four questions on each dimension. La actuación es la acción que realiza el actor al momento de interpretar su papel. All women should be free to choose whether she wants to terminate her pregnancy or not. One component in this mixture is made up of sodium polystyrene sulfonate which is a sulfonated polystyrene. Finally, we conducted a survey that confirm that media bias has a noticeable impact on how news related to controversial topics are presented. PEDOT:PSS is generally applied as a dispersion of gelled particles in water. Building upon the PolQuiz results, we investigated the nature of this political bias and found this to exist in the chosen vocabulary and the entities covered by the newspaper. Yes The 26ers account for the 45% of the tweets relevant to the subjects in the PolQuiz. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, We focus on Chile as a case study because most of the literature report only on Twitter content from English-speaking countries, which may bias the knowledge we posses in general about these issues. This newspaper is part of a big conglomerate (El Mercurio S.A.P) that owns more than 20 news papers and several radio stations, among other broadcast media (such as magazines, TV cable, etc.). This makes intuitively sense: their consolidated control of the market gives them more independence, and it makes them less susceptible to the government influence. Since “coverage” is a form of bias [4], perhaps the outlet is not being neutral by not mentioning a specific subject. Although we believe this does not imply a loss of generality wrt Latin American culture, at least in the topics chosen. We weighted each word with its mean valence (we assigned the neutral value 5 for words not present in the dictionary). The solid red dot shows the average position for the 26ers. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas, ARGENTINA, Received: August 13, 2017; Accepted: February 14, 2018; Published: March 23, 2018. Eelco Herder, Roles Telefónica R&D, Santiago, Chile, Affiliation In this paper, we presented an automatic approach for estimating the political bias of news outlets in Chile, exploiting the well-known and widely used “The World’s Smallest Political Quiz”. La Tercera, also in the lower-right, but closer to the center of the group, is thought to be moderate-conservative [45]. Equivalently, outlets with a positive score are considered as liberals in our “perceived bias”. These unusual word frequencies are used as an indication of the importance of these words in the given domain. Other authors assume a certain leaning by contacts association [18]. In summary, the results indicate that the political orientation of the media in Chile is in line with and follows the political orientation of the government. The value of our methodology and study here is to position those media outlets that do not state their socio-economic bias, or are not even aware of their bias. The complete list LE has 199 labeled entities. There is now a stronger statistical effect for the personal issues dimension, t(239) = 3.54, p < .001. dictamen, fallo 3. We found this to be one of the largest dictionaries in this language, and it includes items from a variety of frequencies, semantic categories, and parts of speech, including conjugated verbs. These are complemented by works like J. They measure the exposure of Twitter users to politically diverse news. There are well known examples of the press even toppling governments: the Washington Post in the Watergate scandal is perhaps the most resounding example. (/) 2. a. Raúl se levanta de la silla. Equivalently, we use + 1 for politicians and personalities in favor of the subject. Pronounce a word from your list slowly. But, more importantly, our own perception of the bias seem to be adjusted and limited by the political space defined by the news that we receive as a population. Download. An extreme position in this direction would be anarchism. The weight of the bi-grams is the average of the weight of their composing words. Remember that the Christian Democratic Party is part of the center-left coalition that was ruling in Chile during the observed period, and was generally in favor of the social changes promoted by the government. El Mostrador (elmostrador) is an on-line newspaper with a perceived orientation to progressivism [46]. For example, the authors in [2] use a few recent events to point out how the press applies the word “genocide” to cases of victimization in non-allied states, but almost never to similar or worse cases committed by the home state or allied regimes. We verified that our results are stable to small changes in the dataset and we explore the nature of the bias showed by the media by using the rank difference method. Although there are other more “complete” quizzes online (see, for example, The Political Compass [38]), an advantage of the PolQuiz is that it is “open source”, in the sense that the scoring system is known, unlike for example the Political Compass one mentioned above. The mean for each individual outlet (diamonds in Fig 2) stays close to its original position, and each newspaper can be located in a relatively small neighborhood with high confidence, meaning that there are no drastic changes compared to the previous classification. In [20], the authors defined a model to predict political preference among Twitter users. By comparing their relative position in both corpora, the algorithm identifies words that are significantly more used in a given domain. The PolQuiz has been criticized as being biased by using leading questions, favoring libertarian results and imposing the libertarian definition of freedom [47]. Now our entire positioning universe is determined by the scope defined by the Chilean media. Notice that this tendency also coincides with the “liberal media” label that is frequently used, implying a popularly perceived Left-liberal leaning in the majority of the outlets [44]. The quiz is based on the one proposed by David Nolan Chart in 1971 [11], which in turn can be traced back to a 2D chart proposed in 1968 [12], representing variations in political and socio-economic orientation. None of those outlets’ PolQuiz automatic classification correspond with their popular recognized leaning. Another expected behavior would be that news outlets report on both sides of the issue to cover different points of view. A conductive layer on glass is obtained by spreading a layer of the dispersion on the surface usually by spin coating and driving out the water by heat. La Tercera (latercera), is owned by Copesa S.A., which is El Mercurio’s closest competitor. The Propaganda Model [2] describes the political elite, and the government in particular, as a very influential actor. This assumption is suggested by the absolute positions as shown in Fig 1 and supported by some models concerned with the political-economy of the mass media. We conclude with an overview of the survey that we carried out to measure perceived bias. Being real means we only use 53 ingredients you can pronounce And the only ingredient that is hard to pronounce at Chipotle is “Chipotle.” (It’s Chih-poat-lay, by the way) To our surprise, the lower values (bottom 5 in the 26ers) are occupied by the outlets linked to parties in the ruling coalition (Christian democracy and Left-Liberal(nacioncl)). It conveys the main idea, and hence arguably the main editorial point of view. For the automatic classification task, we used a “Randomized Trees” model [42] (Implemented in the python library scikit-learn in the module sklearn.tree.ExtraTreeClassifier). Dark dots represent 26 news outlets who had relevant tweets for at least four questions per dimension (the 26ers). Compared to the other 25 news outlets, this one appears as the most progressive on personal issues. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765.g008. This is the famous “Balcony scene” of Shakespeare from Romeo and Juliet, where the two lovers declare their love to each other.While Romeo praises Juliet’s beauty with neo-platonic images in the style of the courtly tradition, Juliet‘s declaration is quite different. Esos policías perros nos pidieron una mordida. We also restricted our survey to the subset of news outlets who had relevant tweets for at least four questions per dimension (see Section Results) since these are the ones that we were able to position in the chart with the highest confidence. To summarize the results, we show that the media landscape in Chile in terms of absolute positions is highly in line with the political orientation of the government. We conducted a one-sample Student t-test (the QQplot and the histogram suggested normality was a reasonable assumption) for each dimension (economic and personal) to test if the mean score was significantly different from 50 (the assumed unbiased score). Media bias is usually found in the editorial policies that ultimately decide which stories are worth publishing and which amount and angle of coverage they get [4, 13, 19]. Part of the sulfonyl groups are deprotonated and carry a negative charge. Even when the decision of which stories/events are newsworthy is subjective and depends on the editorial strategy [6], there are some events that are very relevant in the national context and are covered for the majority of the media. This assumption is the least disruptive towards the default supposition of an unbiased media. Maybe is this flip-flopping what makes it so difficult for the public. In Fig 5 we can see the absolute position of the 186 outlets for which we were able to answer at least one question of the PolQuiz using the tweets published during the previous government. Our enriched queries give us the final set of tweets used to evaluate any possible bias of each news outlet, see Table 2. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765.t002. A shift > 0 (red bars) means more to the right. The user had to answer if, based on these lists, he or she considered the outlet to be “in favor” or “against” abortion. Left-liberalism is a political ideology that supports governments that take care of the welfare of vulnerable people and keeps a centralized economy, but at the same time, allows a great deal of liberties in personal matters. Meanwhile, personal issues like freedom of speech are more ideological but of less immediate effect. This may suggest that communicating economic issues is more important to the news system in terms of reaching or influencing their audience. Copyright: © 2018 Elejalde et al. If, for example, a newspaper claims to be objective, but is in fact “right-wing, conservative” (as is the case with El Mercurio in Chile [7]), people should be able to recognize this and take this bias into account when reading its content. We received between 11 and 19 answers for each of the 26ers (M: 14.31, SD: 2.07). Finally, centrists accept or even support a balance between the government reach and personal/economic freedom.
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