Akhenaten (ca. De Akhénatôn aux Hébreux. Tutors may have included the Egyptian high priest Parennefer (Wennefer); his uncle, the Heliopolitan priest Aanen; and the builder and architect known as Amenhotep son of Hapu. The Egyptologist Percy Newberry[45] then linked this to one of the stele exhibited in the Berlin Museum which pictured two rulers, naked and seated together – the older caressing the younger and the shoulder offering support. So perform your service for the king, your lord, and you will live. 1392–1292 BCE) continued to tear down the temples, chisel out Akhenaten's name, and bring back the old traditional forms of belief. With Akhenaten's death, the Aten cult he had founded gradually fell out of favor. He spent his early years as king engaged in fairly traditional building projects, including at the great Karnak Temple, home of Amun, and in the gold-rich land of Kush (Nubia) to Egypt’s south. Various illnesses have been put forward. Dorothy Porter: verse novel, Akhenaten (1991), Moyra Caldecott: The Ghost of Akhenaten (eBook, 2001, ISBN 1-899142-89-4; 2003, ISBN 1-84319-024-9), Lynda Robinson: mystery, Drinker of Blood (2001, ISBN 0-446-67751-5), Gilbert Sinoue: Akhenaton, Le Dieu Maudit (Akhenaten, the Cursed God) (2005, ISBN 2070300331). You have paid no attention to the things that you did earlier. His father had built his authority on the basis of being a divine representative of Re, the Egyptian sun god. In my brother's country gold is as plentiful as dust. Biography of Queen Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian Queen, Nubian Pharaohs of Twenty-Fifth Dynasty Egypt, Step Pyramid of Djoser - Ancient Egypt's First Monumental Pyramid, Pharaoh Hatshepsut's Temple of Deir el-Bahri in Egypt, The Most Famous and Powerful Queens in Ancient History, Biography of Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt, Picture Gallery: Queen Hatshepsut, Female Pharaoh of Egypt, Biography of Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt's Golden Age, Most Important Figures in Ancient History, Dynastic Egypt Timeline - 2,700 Years of Change in Egyptian Society, The Symbolism Behind the Double Crown of Egypt, Pharaoh Thutmose III and the Battle of Megiddo, Life, Death and Beyond in Akhenaten's Egypt: Excavating the South Tombs Cemetery at Amarna, Biological Age of Skeletonized Mummy from Tomb KV 55 at Thebes. Some recent debate has focused on the extent (if any) to which Akhenaten forced his religious reforms on his people. Twelve years after the death of Amenhotep III, she is still mentioned in inscriptions as Queen and beloved of the King, but kings' mothers often were. 1334–1325, a child of the consort known as the "Younger Wife") and the earliest 19th dynasty pharaohs led by Horemheb (ruled ca. Akhenaten has been called by historian James Henry Breasted "the first individual in history",[45] as well as the first monotheist, first scientist, and first romantic. Her final depictions reveal a regal but realistic figure. According to King Akhenaten, god Aten was the sole and only god in the universe (monotheism). King Akhenaten was born to Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye. She was her husband’s Great Royal Wife (favored consort) when he ascended the throne in Thebes as Amenhotep IV. Until Akhenaten's mummy is positively identified, such theories remain speculative. Come yourself, or send your son [now], and you will see the king at whose sight all lands live. And if you did act loyally, still all the things you wrote were not true. The texts in question all once belonged to Kiya and were re-inscribed for the princesses later. Brother of "Meritaten" Younger Lady; Sitamun, Queen of Egypt; Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare, Pharaoh of Egypt; Djhutmose, High Priest of Ptah at Memphis; Ankhasenamon and 9 others; Nebetah; Baktaten; Iset, Queen of Egypt; Henuttaneb; Meritre; Smenkhkare, Pharaoh of Egypt; Beketaten; Tutenkhamen and Aset « less The temples there had gateways to keep out the masses, hundreds of altars open to the air and no roofs over the sanctuary—visiting dignitaries complained about having to stand in the sun for a long time. Thus did the ruler (Rib-Hadda) speak to you. The black death has also been suggested by Zahi Hawass because at Amarna the traces of the plague have been found. However, in 2007, Zahi Hawass and a team of researchers made CT Scan images of the KV 55 mummy. To emphasize his complete allegiance to the Aten, the king officially changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten or 'Servant of the Aten. However, it is used specifically in connection to a king only later in the New Kingdom. Nor have you sent me the goods that your father was going to send me, but you have reduced (them) greatly. Thus, Akhenaten's early education might have prepared him for the priesthood like his maternal uncle Anen; at any rate, in an inscription dating to his early reign he emphasized his familiarity with ancient temple documents [6]. Freud commented on the connection between Adonai, the Egyptian Aten and the Syrian divine name of Adonis as a primeval unity of language between the factions;[41] in this he was following the argument of Egyptologist Arthur Weigall, but the argument was groundless as 'Aten' and 'Adonai' are not, in fact, linguistically related. Much of the art and building infrastructure created during Akhenaten's reign was defaced or destroyed in the period following his death, particularly during the reigns of Horemheb and the early Nineteenth Dynasty kings. [66], Some others believe Smenkhkare was likely to have been a half-brother or a son to Akhenaten. Its buildings were decorated in a startling new style which was intended to express the tenets of the new worship. Ruins of Pharaoh Akhenaton's capital Tell el-Amarna (Akhetaten). Coinciding with the disappearance of Nefertiti’s name from all records towards the end of Akhenaten’s reign[65]. De farao is bekend geworden vanwege de losse Amarna-kunst en de introductie van het monotheïsme in Egypte. Akhnaten Die! There is some evidence that he took the legendary beauty Nefertiti as a consort while he was co-king, although she is not acknowledged as queen until after Amenhotep IV began his transformation. Akhenaten (pronounced /ˌɑːkəˈnɑːtən/;[1] often also spelled Echnaton, Akhnaton, or rarely Ikhnaton; meaning Effective spirit of Aten) was known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning Amun is Satisfied). [63], H.R. Released in 2008 by AUM Fidelity. If you really are the king's servant, why did you not denounce him before the king, your lord, saying, "This mayor has written to me saying, 'Take me to yourself and get me into my city'"? The future Akhenaten was a younger son of Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiye, his elder brother Crown Prince Thutmose having died when both were children. After his death, traditional religious practice was gradually restored, and when some dozen years later rulers without clear rights of succession from the Eighteenth Dynasty founded a new dynasty, they discredited Akhenaten and his immediate successors, referring to Akhenaten himself as "the enemy" or "that criminal" in archival records. Instead of having a detailed pathway for people to follow, shepherded by Osiris, people could only hope to be reawakened in the morning, to bask in the sun's rays. He is especially noted for abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducing worship centered on the Aten, which is sometimes described as monotheistic or henotheistic. Tushratta complains in numerous letters that Akhenaten had sent him gold plated statues rather than statues made of solid gold; the statues formed part of the bride price which Tushratta received for letting his daughter Tadukhepa be married to Amenhotep III and then Akhenaten. Departing from the idealized images of earlier pharaohs, Akhenaten is sometimes depicted with feminine hips and exaggerated features. Rib-Hadda wrote a total of 60 letters to Akhenaten pleading for aid from the pharaoh. However Akhenaton's case is different through the emphasis placed on the heavenly father and son relationship. The reason for this suggestion is Meketaten's death due to childbirth in, or after, the fourteenth year of Akhenaten's reign, though nowhere does she have the title or cartouche of a queen. [49], Akhenaten appears in history almost two-centuries prior to the first archaeological and written evidence for Judaism and Israelite culture is found in the Levant. This theory seems to originate from objects found in the tomb of Tutankhamen in the 1920s. In the same 1960 work, Oedipus and Akhnaton, Velikovsky not only saw Akhenaten as the origin of Oedipus, but also identified him with a Pharaoh mentioned only in Herodotus, "Anysis of the city of the same name" — Akhenaten of Akhetaten. Aten created and fashioned the cosmos, authorized life, created people and languages and light and dark. The daughter (or, perhaps, hoped-for future daughter) might have replaced Kiya's daughter in those scenes.[10]. Following Akhenaten's death, change was gradual at first. Pauline Gedge: The Twelfth Transforming (1984), set in the reign of Akhenaten, details the construction of Akhetaten and fictionalized accounts of his sexual relationships with Nefertiti, Tiye and successor Smenkhkare. [70], Drawing of Akhnaton Cairo Cast[edit] Plays, Savitri Devi: play Akhnaton: A Play (Philosophical Publishing House [London], 1948), Agatha Christie: play, Akhnaton (written in 1937, published by Dodd, Mead and Company [New York], 1973, ISBN 0-396-06822-7; Collins [London], 1973, ISBN 0-00-211038-5). This gave rise to the idea that Akhenaten might have been bisexual. [citation needed], Some aspects of Akhenaten's relationship with the Aten have been likened to the relationship, in Christian tradition, of Jesus Christ with God - particularly in interpretations which emphasise a more monotheistic interpretation of Atenism than henotheistic. ThoughtCo. Only the Egyptian border province of Amurru in Syria around the Orontes river was permanently lost to the Hittites when its ruler Aziru defected to the Hittites. Why Akhenaten had himself represented in the bizarre, strikingly androgynous way he did, remains a vigorously debated question. [59] All of these symptoms appear in depictions of Akhenaten and of his children. Every one of my messengers that were staying in Egypt saw the gold for the statues with their own eyes. Egyptologie. [41] Following his book, the concept entered popular consciousness and serious research. Nefertiti also appears, both beside the king and alone (or with her daughters), in actions usually reserved for a Pharaoh, suggesting that she enjoyed unusual status for a queen. https://www.thoughtco.com/akhenaten-4769554 (accessed April 9, 2021). [8], Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their childrenSee also: Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt Family Tree.
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